Pragyan CTF 2017: Game of Fame (50pts)

1 minute read

By: [noras] from ChalmersCTF

Challenge Description :

p xasc. a zdmik qtng. yiy uist. easc os iye iq trmkbumk. gwv wolnrg kaqcs vi rlr.

NOTE :- Please enclose the flag in the format pragyanctf{<flag>}.

Hint! The seven star-studded Pragyan walks into the hall of fame. Boom!
Hint! Robert Sedgewick


Playing around with the cipher text on this site I noticed somthing interesting when using the Vigenere Cipher. And that was that it suggest that they key might be PRAQJAN.


Using the CTF name PRAGYAN reveal the plain text which was.

a game. a movie star. his wife. name of the cs textbook. the winner takes it all.

So no flag but another hint. Using that with the hint they gave about Robert Sedgewick which are known for his book Algorithms the flag was pragyanctf{Algorathims}